The Beauty - Happiness Connection...

"Beauty is the promise of happiness" - Stendhal 

Photo Credit: Damian S.

Can beauty be a function of our happiness? 
Can it truly contribute to our wellbeing? 

A study conducted by the University College London found that looking at things which we find beautiful makes us happy.
Numerous other studies reached the very same conclusion: finding beauty in normal activities and surroundings can bring happiness.

But what is beauty? 

If I asked five people to bring to their minds a picture of something they consider beautiful, it is very likely it would be a very different image for each one of them.

That's the voice of perception wanting to be heard.

It also means that beauty is nothing tangible. It only exists in our heads as a pleasant feeling but it can, in a subtle way, contribute to our wellbeing.

So, what is beauty to you?


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