Protocol Synopsis

Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness...

These are the three most fundamental and unalienable Rights given to us by our Creator.
We can define 'Life' and we can define 'Liberty', but what about Happiness?
The clue is in the word 'pursuit', because you cannot define Happiness as it means different things to different people. It cannot, therefore, be automatically guaranteed.

But we all have the Right to the 'Pursuit of Happiness'!

“Happiness is like a butterfly, 
which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, 
but which, 
if you sit down quietly, may alight upon you” 

For some, finding happiness is as elusive as having a butterfly to rest on the palm of their hand… 
For some, happiness is as fragile as butterfly wings… 
(Perfectly imperfect wings of the butterfly on the cover of my book are both the reminder, and a testament, that Happiness is a deeply personal experience) 
Butterflies are the most artistic expression of Nature. 
They go through a stage of development when a butterfly is covered by a hard case, before it emerges with beautiful wings. This stage is called chrysalis. 
I believe that Happiness is an Art and we are all Artists in Chrysalis, ready to create our masterpiece.
I believe that Happiness is an Art.

So what does it mean?

Every form of art is actually an expression of a particular skill, a very unique expression of each artist. 
Therefore, happiness is as unique in its individual meaning as the artist himself or herself. 
If happiness is a skill, then like all skills it can be studied, learnt and improved. 
Levels of individual happiness can go up and down, and like any other skill, it needs a bit of polishing and nourishing from time to time…
Have you ever wondered if there is a secret formula to happiness? I can tell you right now, that yes, there is one.
You are the key to your own Happiness. 

I have 3 questions for you right now:

Have you ever wondered who you really are? 
Did you know that you are what you eat? 
And your home is meant to be your castle? 

Knowledge is power. And knowledge of your true self is the most powerful of all…

The Art of Being You – The Most Important Kind of Art (Lesson One)

“If I want to be free, I’ve got to be me. 
Not the me you think I should be, not the me my wife thinks I should be, not the me I think my kids think I should be. 
If I want to be free, I’ve got to be me so I better know who me is.” (Bill Gove)

It’s a journey which only You can start…
Because You are the best expert on Yourself…
So how well do you know yourself? 
Is your ideal self in harmony (congruence) with the self image you are projecting daily? 
Or are you trying to be a lesser version of someone else’s image? 
Are you able to determine your own behaviour? Or are restricted by influences that just happen to sneak into your life?

The really, really good news…

We are continually growing and evolving, so it is never too late to change direction and start being You.

Have you ever wondered why an artist paints several copies of the same painting? Or completely change direction? 
How much do you know about Picasso's early works?
Consider yourself at a unique stage in your life… Still in chrysalis… Finding out what makes you tick…

‘Know Thyself…’

‘Know Thyself ’ is one of my favourite aphorisms. 
No other two words spell out in such concise way what is the essential element of the foundation of Happiness. 
To ‘know thyself ’ is to look deep into your soul and be able to display on the outside what is a mirror reflection of your inner self. And yes, it takes a lot of courage to do just that… 
To ‘know thyself ’ means having such deep understanding of who you really are that every single decision you make is automatically in harmony with what you truly desire. 
To reach this level of self-awareness, you must analyse every aspect of your life and ask yourself: ‘is this truly me or am I pretending to be someone else?’

The Art of Being You – Final Thoughts on Art Lesson One

The Art of Being You is truly the most important kind of Art as there is no other person like you in the entire world (if not universe). 
You are unquestionably unique and you need to start to appreciate being you. 
In order to appreciate being you, you need to first acknowledge who you really are. 
Not, who you think you are, but who you really are.

Remember that “as no one else can know how we perceive, we are the best experts on ourselves.” 

Well said Carl Rogers.

You can find three more lessons in my 'Protocol of The Art of Happiness'. 
The book is designed as an interactive notebook to allow the reader to take notes as each day brings them new discovery… 
My 'Protocol of The Art of Happiness' book is available as paperback or eBook on Amazon worldwide.


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